-Demonstrate respect for all fellow students in speech, attitude and consideration.
- During direct instruction and while working on classwork, cell phones and electronic devices are to be in the 3 P's: pack, pocket or purse and turned off. Phones or devices are not allowed to be charged in outlets.
-Talking does not happen during direct instruction. Remember, the whole class period will not be all direct instruction- in fact, most times usually it's only the first 15-20 minutes. After all, you need class time to do your assignments and projects. So please just raise your hand for that burning question!
- Come prepared with required materials and be at your assigned seat when bell rings (or you are marked tardy). Here is your list of required class items:
1. Pen and pencil
2. Scientific Calculator (you can get a decent one for $10 like a TI 30xA)
3. Composition book- this is huge, as this will be your "interactive notebook" and what you will use for labs and to use and
study from for quizzes and tests.
4. Double-pocket folder- This is where you will keep all your graded work that is passed back.
5. A pack of colored pencils
6. Highlighter pen
- When doing group-work, all names of the students in that group must be on the assignment.
- Once a student's work has been graded by me, it will be stamped and returned for review by student.
-It is your responsibility to get work missed upon your return, not the instructor's.
-No eating. A drink with a lid is fine.
Basic class routine (unless continuing a project from previous day)
-Demonstrate respect for all fellow students in speech, attitude and consideration.
- During direct instruction and while working on classwork, cell phones and electronic devices are to be in the 3 P's: pack, pocket or purse and turned off. Phones or devices are not allowed to be charged in outlets.
-Talking does not happen during direct instruction. Remember, the whole class period will not be all direct instruction- in fact, most times usually it's only the first 15-20 minutes. After all, you need class time to do your assignments and projects. So please just raise your hand for that burning question!
- Come prepared with required materials and be at your assigned seat when bell rings (or you are marked tardy). Here is your list of required class items:
1. Pen and pencil
2. Scientific Calculator (you can get a decent one for $10 like a TI 30xA)
3. Composition book- this is huge, as this will be your "interactive notebook" and what you will use for labs and to use and
study from for quizzes and tests.
4. Double-pocket folder- This is where you will keep all your graded work that is passed back.
5. A pack of colored pencils
6. Highlighter pen
- When doing group-work, all names of the students in that group must be on the assignment.
- Once a student's work has been graded by me, it will be stamped and returned for review by student.
-It is your responsibility to get work missed upon your return, not the instructor's.
-No eating. A drink with a lid is fine.
Basic class routine (unless continuing a project from previous day)
- DIRECT INSTRUCTION (10-20 minutes)
- WRAP UP/CLEAN UP (5 minutes)